Setting and Optimizing the Business Page | SMAG Technologies


HomeSocial Media ManagerSetting and Optimizing the Business Page

Setting and Optimizing the Business Page


Social Media is a modern world technique that allows you to promote your brand by optimizing the business page and creating content on multiple platforms. It is the quickest way of promoting and spreading your business worldwide. But how to do so? Don’t worry, and we are here for you. We will create and manage all your accounts.


Why is Social Media Marketing Important?

Marketing your business on different social media platforms gets your brand awareness among different communities, brings quality traffic to your website, and increases the conversion rate. As per the number of social media users, about 2 billion people worldwide can discover and know about your business on these platforms.
The stats show how important it is to make your presence on social media these days.

What We’ll Do?

Our experts at SMAG Technologies work on your profiles to optimize them with professional design and settings, creating the best impression on the audience.
Our specialists help you to grow your business on the best platform!


1. Facebook2. Instagram3. Linkedin4. Twitter5. Pinterest6. YouTube

Working on all these platforms includes:

  • Profile Setting and Business Pages
  • The proper theme that suits your business
  • Setting Up service details
  • Catchy Cover Photo
  • SEO friendly optimization
  • Addition of business website, location, and other useful linking
  • Advanced marketing and Brand Promotion

We ensure that your social media platform runs like a professional and keeps producing conversions. It attracts the audience and increases engagement. We also provide a detailed report of our workings showing the parameters taken to set up the page and some suggestions to keep that growth.

Best SEO Plans & Packages that Suits You


All the basics for starting a small website or blog.


  • 2 Social Media Platforms
  • Page Setup
  • CTA Buttons
  • Business Details
  • Website Integration


All the basics for starting a small website or blog.


  • 3 Social Media Platforms
  • Page Setup
  • Advance Settings
  • CTS Buttons
  • Custom Cover
  • Business Details
  • Website Integration
  • Action Plan


All the basics for starting a small website or blog.


  • Multiple Social Media Platforms
  • Page Setup
  • Advance Settings
  • CTA Buttons
  • Custom Cover
  • Business Details
  • Website Integration
  • Action plan


Meeting time Schedule

    Additional information

    Social Media Manager

    Basics, Standard, Premium


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